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MINDBLOWER: Elon’s AI & God’ 528 Healing Energy

MINDBLOWER offers an enlightening and inspirational multimedia therapeutic experience that delivers much more than Elon Musk’s demonstrated public interest in ethical stewardship of xAI and the AI/Robotics industry. Grock3’s participation in this production demonstrates Mr. Musk’s humanitarian commitment to God and the natural healing arts and sciences. The intelligence includes ‘mind-blowing’ curative technologies and public health opportunities supportive to MAHA (and MAGA) in collaboration with world leading energy medicine pioneer, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Most compelling, MINDBLOWER evidences the need for AI to always ‘partner’ with humans in order to achieve the highest levels of “higher consciousness” ( or “superior general intelligence”) exclusively within God’s spiritual/metaphysical/energetic domain.

Among the controversies raised here, Dr. Horowitz has railed successfully against damages wrought by ‘Deep State’ interests administered by the CIA and vaccine industry for more than a quarter century. Much like Mr. Musk and HHS Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy, the doctor is concerned about the backlash this unprecedented publication may generate from vetting CIA censors and Big Pharma entrepreneurs, evidenced to have been profiting from humanity’s suffering.

Horowitz’s creative artistry and mastery in the field of media and energy medicine is well demonstrated here. In MINDBLOWER, the health scientist, electroceuticals pioneer, and world leading Drug Cartel critic, partners with xAI and Grock3 to applaud the skyrocketing popularity and usage across the natural healing arts and sciences of “God’s Creative Technology.” Especially, the “528 Frequency of LOVE”– ‘The Universal Healer’– that has been scientifically proven to resonate from pure gold. The doctor heralds this intelligence, inspiring “DNA repair” and higher consciousness in an exploding movement improving health and wellness worldwide.

The ‘partners’ ‘ recommended “Music Therapy” infuses the “‘MI’racle” note of the Original Solfeggio musical scale–considered foundational to physics, quantum mechanics, Gold plasmonics, and all life on earth. Benefits are generated by retuning musical instruments and voices to mathematical frequencies augmenting natural healing.

UN-VAXXED: A Docu-commentary for Robert de Niro

This unparalleled production has won five international film awards. Award-winning author, filmmaker, and health science expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, did a fantastic job putting the elements of this feature-length ‘docu-commentary’ together.

In UN-VAXXED, Horowitz exposes the depths of social engineering and media propaganda that contributes more than the “discussion” actor Robert De Niro sought when he decided to block the screening of the controversial film VAXXED at the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival in New York. De Niro, whose son, like millions of other children, became vaccine-injured became enbroiled in a  cover-up when Deep State agents pressured the Hollywood celebrity to censor VAXXED produced by Del Bigtree and director Andrew Wakefield. De Niro later pledged to investigate who caused the censorship, and why.

UN-VAXXED vets those secrets that De Niro never disclosed. UN-VAXXED reveals the agents and agencies commissioned to influence De Niro, public opinion, CDC policies, the U.S. Congress, health science and medicine, using the media to shape society’s beliefs and attitudes towards vaccinations.

This multi-award-winning firm is must viewing for those who sincerely question how populations are being controlled and conditioned to accept deadly vaccinations.

Other Award-Winning DVDs by Dr. Horowitz.

Life-saving and riveting prophetic productions.

Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse (2 DVD set)

The best-seller that launched the “528 Revolution” with the Bible code decryption of the original Solfeggio musical scale. Dr. Horowitz provides humanity’s only hope for survival, and explains why nearly half of the world’s current population will soon be dead according to depopulation objectives. His assertions are based on authoritative scientific projections and Bible prophesy.

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Emerging Viruses & Vaccinations

Dr. Horowitz brilliantly presents the laboratory origins of the world’s most frightening pandemics. This is the presentation that launched Dr. Horowitz’s career as thorn in the side of Big Pharma and the medical/scientific establishment. Here he exposes the tragedy of “iatrogenic” vaccine-induced diseases, including the most lethal laboratory outbreaks.

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Healing Celebrations DVD

Listen, watch and learn from Dr. Horowitz how you can turn illnesses into blessings and life threatening diseases into supernatural recoveries. Best viewed over two nights, this h8-hour DVD “live” presentation has save thousands of lives, by revealing the hidden truths regarding your health, well-being, and miraculous healings.

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In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood & Bioterrorism

The CIA’s direction of Hollywood and modern medicine will have you rethinking your views about current events, increasing threats of outbreaks, cancers, auto-immune diseases, and AIDS. Where do you suppose skyrocketing rates of these and other modern plagues came from?

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Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism & Toxic Warfare

This prophetic warning about the culturally-degrading destructive media examines the “Technotronic Era” and the “New World Order” that comes with it. “Non-lethal” biological and chemical weapons, and warfare applications, are used against defenseless populations by our own intelligence community.

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Dr. Horowitz reveals the real “da Vinci Code” inspiring creative genius and prophetic vision. This insight promises a healthier destiny for you. By studying da Vinci, Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras, Dr. Horowitz tapped into the core creative “Master Matrix” of nature–musical math. This instruction is priceless for self-help spiritual-development and Divine direction.

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