OxySilver for Pets (with 528 and dropper)


Oxysilver for Pets resonates in 528 frequency to match your “heart-felt loving intention for your pets recovery and continuing care.
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OxySilver for Pets has been proven to be very helpful in saving pets lives and relieving their illnesses. Watch the special video produced by delighted customers, and hosted by legendary journalist and pet lover, Sherri Kane. (Ms. Kane launched the “Conscious Species” channel on RevolutionTelevision.net to raise awareness about the loving intelligence and heart-warming behavior of animals, as compared with humans.)

Put a dropper-full under the tongue of your ailing pet, with prayer for recovery. You will be AMAZED at the results that commonly manifest quickly. You can also use OxySilver for Pets in eyes and ears. Wounds also heal faster with OxySilver used with prayer.

OxySilver for Pets, therefore, is a veterinarian’s and pet owner’s awesome blessing. This life-saving advanced silver-hydrosol is an effective alternative to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics. In fact, OxySilver for Pets makes all animal vaccinations and chemo-antibiotics obsolete. It does this by energetically zapping pathogens; not poisoning the animals. It also helps oxygenate tissues, and boosts natural nutritional immunity against (FDA Censored Word) without immunization and anti-microbial toxicity. OxySilver for Pets is a most potent solution used for protection and recovery for your beloved animals.

OxySilver with 528 for Pets comes in a 4 ounce bottle with a dropper, and is a wonderful, safe, and effective way to keep your pets healthy and hasten recovery.

What prompted the development of OxySilver for Pets was a friend’s “fur baby, Koco.” Koco got healed with a change of diet and OxySilver, so we decided to make OxySilver available for everyone with beloved pets.

Larry (our neighbor) wrote the following endorsement for OxySilver for Pets:

“The doctor said my dog had cancer in his ear. The sad thing is I had resolved to put him down and say goodbye to my best friend, because HIS HEAD WAS DOUBLE THE SIZE on that side of the ear. He had surgery a month before. But now the swelling returned bloody puss from his ear. I was devastated. The vet said… to avoid him suffering I should consider putting him down. And then a friend asked me why? She told me, “No! He can be cured!”

She sent me two bottles of this product “OxySilver.” Only after TWO treatments the difference was phenomenal. (Larry sent us a video he took with his cell phone showing Koko jumping around for joy. You can watch it HERE.)

“If you love your pet, DON’T feed them cheap food,” Larry continued “Not even the pricey ones! READ labels! If it has BHA or food dyes you ARE causing your animals harm. But regardless if you or your child [or pet] feels ill, buy Oxysilver [for Pets] and see the difference it makes. I’m so happy to see my boy happy and getting healthy. And this is only after two days treatment.

“This is NOT an advertisement! This is my testimonial!” Larry wrote. “If you desire to find out more about this product” visit OxySilver.com.

OxySilver for Pets comes with a high quality eye dropper for easy administration.


OXYSILVER is especially powerful because it resonates with 528 frequency of sound and light. Used for pets, it is an effective alternative to risky standard veterinarian treatments.

OXYSILVER for Pets is Unique and Powerful

OXYSILVER resonating with 528 frequency of sound and light is an effective alternative to risky vaccinations and deadly antibiotics. OxySilver is guaranteed to keep you healthy when colds and flus threaten or your money back.

Is OxySilver good for pets too? Yes. In fact, we heard so many people tell us pets benefited we now sell “OxySilver for Pets” that comes with a “pet dropper.”

1 review for OxySilver for Pets (with 528 and dropper)

  1. vorbelutrioperbir

    Absolutely indited subject matter, Really enjoyed reading through.

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